What a great day! Check out the Loyalty Foundation team at the June 10 NYFEST (New York Film & Entertainment Soccer Tournament) Soccer-4-Good. Over $10,000 was raised and split between the final two Soccer-4-Good teams Grassroots Soccer and Two Bridges FC!
Thanks to Grassroots Soccer co-founder and Loyalty Foundation Advisory Board member Ethan Zohn @ethanzohn for connecting us to the great community. Thanks to Capelli Sport for the jerseys!
Pictured above with Instagram tags, if available:
Front row: A new team member we just met, Loyalty Foundation Founder David Neeman @loyalty_foundation, Alex Still @10ozbourbon
Back row: Fazl Shaikh @fazlshaikh, Jeremy Barovick @jbarovick, zach wolf @zwolfed, our goalkeeper, Luca De Novellis @luca.denovellis17, Michael Lackwood @lacarugous, Gavin Neeman.
